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Railway 90000 vacancy latest news

Dear readers
       Railways has issued notification for recruitment of approximately 90000 posts, in which Gruop C and Gruop D will be recruited.
 In which academic qualifications are intermediate and in some positions there is high school and ITI
        Friends should tell you that Loco Pilot has a total of 17673 posts in which the applicant should have diploma in Physics and Mathematics or Diploma in Engineering.
             Technician has approximately 8829 posts in which educational qualification high school (with ITI) has been started and the final date is March 5, 2018, the application fee is 500 for Gen / OBC and 250 for SC / St / ph / female /.
     Apart from this, recruitment of about 62907 posts of Group D has started, whose information we will publish soon
       If you like the information, share it with your friends and if there is any question write in the comment box
        Thank you .........


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