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Lucknow metro new jobs

        Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation has published an advertisement for recruitment of 358 posts in which applications have been started from February 23 and the last date for which is 27 March 2018.
            According to the information issued by the institute, the station controller, train operator, junior engineer (civil and electrical), office assistant, accountant, administrator (civil and electrical) will be recruited.
      Application fee is 500 for Gen / Obc and 250 for SC / ST, the last date for submission is March 27
 Only those persons who are between the ages of 21 and 28 years can apply for these posts and they have the following qualifications.
Station controller - polytechnic / engineering diploma
Junior Engineer - Polytechnic / Engineer Diploma (Civil and Electrical)
Office Assistant - B.a / degree
Admin- 10th and ITI
    Issue is required for 60% of Gen / OBC and SC / ST 50% in the prescribed qualification
Click here to apply
If you have any questions, write in the comment box and share the information with your friends if the information is good


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