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महत्वपूर्ण कंप्यूटर जानकारियां

* Important computer information *

1.Computer is a * Electronic Machine *. Its Hindi name is a computer.

2. Calling the modern computer's father Charles Beavez.

3.Calculator was invented by Pascal.

4. The first computer built in India was Siddhartha.

5. The largest computer network is Internet.

6. India's first computer was installed at the post office of Bangalore.

7.Internet was first used in US Defense Research.

8. The IC Chip used in the computer is made of silicon.

9. Silicon Valley of India is called Bangalore.

10.Computer's brain is called C.P.U.

11.Computer keeps its results safe in memory for future.

The complete form of 12.IC is Integrated Surcit.

13. The complete form of IBBM is the Internationl Business Machine.

The full form of 14.WWW is the World Wide Web.

15. The complete form of LAN is Local Area Network.

The full form of 16.WAN is the Wide Area Network.

17.RAM is the complete form of Random Access Memory.

18. The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory.

19. The complete form of the CD is a Compact Disc.

20.VDU is a complete visual display unit.

21. The complete form of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language.

22. The full form of HTTTP is the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

The complete form of 23.ALU is the Arithmetic Logical Unit.

24.CPU is a complete form of Central Processing Unit.

25. The full form of the CU is the Control Unit.

26.COBOL's complete form is the Common Business Oriented Language.

27. Full form of DOS is the Disc Operating System.

28.E The complete form of MAIL is Electronical Mail.

The full form of 29.FAX is for Away Xerox.

30. The shutdown process of shutting down the computer and shutting down the process is called Boot UP.

31.Monitor's other name is VDU.

32. Standard keyboard has 101 buttons and 12 Function keys.

33. The iron oxide layer is on the magnetic disk.

34.Binary numbers system uses 0 and 1.

35. The process of connecting the computer network is called 'log in' and breaking the contact is called 'log out'.

36. The RAM is used in the operating system.

37. The list of programs in the computer is called menu.

38. Works on the Modem Telephone Line

39. The reason for the dump of the computer is due to Virus.

40. Computer Virus is a Descriptive Program.

41. The physical structure of the computer is called hardware.

42.Hard Disc Speed ​​RPM Is measured in

43.IBM (International Business Machine) is a Computer Company.

44. The main page of the computer is called Desktop.

45. The Great Revolution in the Region of Computer came in the year 1960.

46.DOS and WINDOWS are a type of operating system.

47.Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick, Scanner & Pen are examples of Input Device.

48.Printer, Speaker & Monitor Output Device.

49. The message sent to the internet is called E-Mail.
Conversion from high level to mechanical language is done by Source Programe.

50.English is a high level language cobol.

51. The first language developed for the program is Fortran.

52. The translation of the highest level language compiles in the lower level language.

53. High-level language development is done by IBM.

54. Fortran, Cobol, Basic, Algol, Pascal etc. are high-level languages.

55.Madar Board is a circuit board, in which the CPU Are added.

56. Computer programs are stored in hard discs.

57.Computer There are three types - Digital, Analogy & Hybrid

58. Sembler changes the assembly language into machine language.

8 bit = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 kilo bytes
1024 KB Byte = 1 MB
1024 MB = 1 GB


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