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राष्ट्रिय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस-

 Braille Day - January 4

2. World Comedy Day - January 10

3. National Youth Day - January 12

4. Army Day - January 15

5. Leprosy Reduction Day - January 30

6. India Tourism Day - January 25

7. Republic Day - January 26

8. International Customs and Product Day - January 26

9. Sarvodaya Day - January 30

10. Martyrs Day - January 30

11. World Cancer Day - 4 feb

12. Rose Day - February 12

13. Valentine's Day - February 14

14. International Mother Language Day - February 21

15. Central Excise Day - 24 February

16. National Science Day - February 28

17. National Security Day - March 4

18. International Women's Day - March 8

19. Establishment Day of KWS - March 12

20. World Consumer Rights Day - March 15

21. Armam Manufacturing Day - March 18

22. World Forestry Day - March 21

23. World Water Day - March 22

24. Martyrdom day of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru - 23 days

25. World Meteorology Day - March 23

26. Ram Manohar Lohia Jubilee - March 23

27. World T20 Day - 24 March

28. Rural Postal Life Insurance Day - March 24

29. Ganesh Shankar Student's Sacrifice Day - March 25

30. National Day of Bangladesh - March 26

31. World Theater Day - March 27

32. World Health Day - April 7

33. Ambedkar Jayanti - April 14

34. World Aeronautical Day - April 14

35. World Hemophilia Day - April 17

36. World Heritage Day - April 18

37. Earth Day - April 22

38. World Book Day - April 23

39. World Labor Day - May 1

40. World Press Freedom Day - May 3

41. World Migratory Bird Day - May 8

42. World Red Cross Day - May 8

43. International Thalassemia Day - May 8

44. National Technology Day - May 11

45. World Museum Day - May 18

46. ​​World Nurses Day - May 12

47. World Family Day - May 15

48. World Telecommunication Day - May 17

49. Anti-Terrorism Day - May 21

50. Biological Diversity Day - May 22

51. Mount Everest Day - May 29

52. World Tobacco Day - May 31

53. World Environment Day - 5th June

54. World Blood Donor Day - 14th June

55. International Olympic Committee Establishment Day - 6th June

56. World Refugee Day - 20th June

57. National Statistics Day - 29th June

58. Birthday of PC Mahalanobis - 29th June

60. Establishment Day of State Bank of India - 1st July

61. Doctor's Day - 1st July

62. Birthday of Dr. Vidhindra Rai - July 1

63. World Population Day - July 11

64. Kargil Smriti Day - 26th July

65. World Breast Day - August 1

66. World Youth Day - August 12

67. Independence Day - August 15
Major revolution click here

68. National Sports Day - August 29

69. Birthday of Dhyanchand - 29th August

70. Teacher's Day - September 5

71. International Literacy Day - September 8

72. Hindi Day - September 14

73. World-brotherhood and forgiveness day - September 14

74. Engineer's Day - 15th September

75. Credits - 15 September

76. Ozone Layer Protection Day - Sep 16

77. Establishment day of RPF - 20 September

78. World Peace Day - September 21

79. World Tourism Day - 27 September

80. International Aging Day - October 1

81. Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti - October 2

82. International Non-Violence Day - 2 October

83. World Nature Day - 3 October

84. World Animal Welfare Day - 4th October

85. World Teacher's Day - October 5

86. World Wildlife Day - October 6

87. Air Force Day - October 8

88. World Post Day - October 9

89. World Vision Day - October 10

90. Jayaprakash Jayanti - October 11

91. World Standards Day - October 14

92. World Allergy Awareness Day - October 16

93. World Food Day - October 16

94. World Iodine Decrease Day - October 21

95. United Nations Day - October 24

96. World Frugality Day - October 30

97. Punishment date of Indira Gandhi - October 31

98. World Service Day - November 9

99. Legal Literacy Day - 9th November

100. Children's Day - November 14

101. World Diabetes Day - November 14

102. World Student Day - November 17

103. National Journalism Day - November 17

104. World adult day - November 18

105. World Civil Day - November 19

106. Universal Children's Day - November 20

107. World Television Day - November 21

108. World Nutrition Day Prohibition Day - 25th November

109. World Environmental Protection Day - 26th November

110. National Law Day - November 26

111. World AIDS Day - December 1

112. Naval Day - December 4

113. Chemical Crash Prevention Day - December 4

114. International Volunteer Day - December 5

115. Citizen's Safety Day - December 6

116. Flag Day - December 7

117. International Civil Aviation Day - December 7

118. International Human Rights Day - December 10

119. World Child Fund Day - December 11

120. World Asthma Day - December 11

121. National Energy Conservation Day - December 14

122. Goa Liberation Day - December 19

123. Farmer's Day - December 23

124. National Consumer Day - 24 December

125. Establishment Day of CRPF - 28 December


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