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विश्व का ज्वालामुखी

Volcano -
1. Who is called caldera?
Ans- A crater built on the upper end of the old volcano.

2. In what mountainous regions do most active volcanoes occur?
Ans- New Damn Mountain Area

3. What is Fossa Magna?
Ans- Volcanic Mountains in Japan

4. Where is the Air Bus volcano located?
Ans-Antarctica continent

5. Where is the L-Misty volcano?
Ans- Peru

6. What is the world's most active volcano?
Ans-Philippine Islands

7. Who is Gesser related to?
Ans-gaasser is hot water source. It is related to volcanic activity.

8. What is fumaroles?
Ans- A hole with which the gas and vapor are released.

9. What does Sollftara mean?
Ans- Such intrusions which cause excessive amount of sulfur smoke.

10. Who is associated with Alaska's 'Ten Sahastra Valley'?
Ans- With smoke.

11. What is the meaning of caldera?
Ans- It is manufactured by the explosion of crater or volcanic eruptions.

12. Who is affiliated with Japan?

13. What is the highest volcano in the world?
Ans-Coopataxi (Ecuador)

14. What is the highest active volcano in the world?
Ans-Ojas del Salado

15. Where is Ojas del Salado situated?
In the Ans-Andes ranges (Argentina-Chely on the country border)

16. What is the quiet volcano located at the highest elevation in the world?
Ans-Ekankaagua (Andes Ranges)

17. Who is associated with 'Pelé's hair'?
Ans-aerial equivalent volcano

18. Which volcano is like a flower of cabbage?


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