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भारत में सड़क परिवहन

Road transport in India

● What is the world of India based on the world's roads - Second
● The length of the total roads in India - 48,65,000 km
● Contribution of road transport in India - 80%
Which state of India has the most definitive roads - Maharashtra and Tamilnadu
● Which state of India is the highest national highway - Uttar Pradesh
● What is the total length of India National Highway - 70,934 km
● National Highways contributed in the length of the total roads in the country - 1.7%
● Which is the longest national highway in India - NH-7
● National Highway -7 goes through several states- 6
● Which road is the highest in the world - Manali-Leh (India)
● Which National Highways are called Grant Trunk Road - National Highway No. I & II
● Grant Trunk Road (GT Road) is currently in which cities between Amritsar- Kolkata to Kolkata
● Who was the Grant Trunk Road built - Sher Shah Suri
● Where was the first Grant Trunk Road from- Kolkata to Lahore
● Who connects the National Highway - to business centers and state capitals
● East-West and North-South highways cut off each other - Jhansi
● What is the relation between the dream quadrilateral plan - from the streets
● What is the Lahore-Delhi bus service- Sada-e-Sarhad
● Which state of India has the highest raw roads - Odisha
● Who connects Karakoram Highway - Pakistan and Afghanistan
● The length of the national highway number -1 is - 1226 km
● The length of National Highway Number-7 is - 2369 km
● Where does the National Highway No.-7 go from- Varanasi to Kanyakumari
● Jawahar Tunnel from which National Highway number is located- In National Highway No. 1A
● Under the Golden Quadrilateral, the total length of the four national highways which are connected by the National Highways is 5,846 km
● Which policy has been adopted by the Indian government to promote private participation in road construction - make, operate and transfer


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